What the Hell Even is Bitcoin?

Created by Guy Swann
Total time
The biggest hurdles to understanding Bitcoin, in my experience, have been understanding how a completely virtual thing could have such immense value, tied to a general ignorance about what money is.
Below is a selection of episodes and article from my show, Bitcoin Audible, that will lay the framework for understanding Bitcoin in a different way. In my life I have never encountered anything as multifaceted and endlessly fascinating as Bitcoin. I hope you find value in what I’ve put together below.

Guy Swann
@TheGuySwannThe Guy who has read more about Bitcoin than anyone else you know! Host of the popular Bitcoin Audible Podcast.
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Bitcoin 101
By Cory Klippsten

Why and How Bitcoin Consumes Energy
By Lyn Alden

Under the Hood of Bitcoin Mining
By Kaz Bycko and Zane Pocock

Bitcoin Security
By Jameson Lopp