Bitcoin Security

Created by Jameson Lopp
Total time
The Bitcoin whitepaper promised a way for us to transact without the need for trusted third parties. Unfortunately, many bitcoin users fail to take advantage of this feature and still keep their funds with custodians. Those who do take custody of their funds find the journey fraught with peril and footguns.
Conservative estimates suggest that millions of bitcoin have been lost over the years by holders who did not take proper care of their keys, while millions more have been stolen due to security weaknesses. It’s important that Bitcoin users are confidently able to be their own banks, both to increase the security posture of each user and to increase the robustness of the entire ecosystem so that it does not evolve into another network of custodians who hold all of the money and power.

Jameson Lopp
@LoppJameson has been building Bitcoin wallets since 2015. He is the founder and CTO of Casa and also founded Mensa’s Bitcoin Special Interest Group, the Triangle Bitcoin & Business meetup, and several open source Bitcoin projects. He enjoys researching various aspects of the ecosystem and giving presentations about what he has learned the hard way while trying to write robust software that can withstand both adversaries and unsophisticated users.
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